I have always been a firm believer that it is possible for everyone to live a life doing what we love, being comfortable and confident in our own skin and making a difference in the world - in our own unique way.
In 2016, after years of working in events, marketing and promotion with nightclubs throughout the country I eventually came to the stage where I was feeling lost, very stuck and frustrated living from a comfort zone. I knew I needed to find something that challenged me but also brought me to life in a way that was right for me. It had to feel right. I had to know deep down that it resonated with who I was - with the very essence of my being.
Leaving something that afforded me security, comfort and everything that most people in their mid twenties think they want was a big call and a tough one to eventually make - but one I have never regretted. Through courses, twists and turns and life learning on the way I have ended up working in a job where I get to work with others to bring out all their innate strengths, gifts and abilities to create a life, career, business or relationship that is authentic, meaningful and sustainable.
The beautiful thing about it? I use my own innate gifts, strengths and abilities to help others find theirs. For a long time I didn’t even know I had any.
As one of over 7.8 Billion people in the world, there's a road for each of us to travel. No two roads are the same, and nor should they be. Life flourishes when we take the time to be curious around what makes us unique. What do you possess within you, that only you can bring out into the world? When we dust down the jigsaw pieces of everything that makes you - you...you’ll start to see how you can show up without fear, brimming with confidence and the world will show up for you at your feet. Your full jigsaw will always be unfolding, but to be able to locate and utilise the parts of you that only you can - life can become a journey that is exciting, energising and makes all the difference to you and everyone who comes into contact with you.
There are plenty of people out there letting the expectations of others and the “shoulds” of life hold them back from showing up fully and who feel life is a drag. That’s not what life is about. Create a life on your own terms, it's much more enjoyable. It’s creative. It’s fun. It’s rewarding. It could be just one conversation away…
what is one word you would use to define your life right now?
Thomas Mc Cormack